Monday, April 19, 2010

Abaya Fashion | Latest Abaya Trend | Burqa

Abaya is the Islamic fashion for Muslim Girls by following the Islamic cultureTraditional of abayat are in black color and mostly are in large square of cloth which is draped from the shoulders or head or a long caftan. The abaya covers the whole body except the face, feet, and hands. It can be worn with the niqāb, a face veil covering all but the eyes. Some women choose to wear long black gloves, so their hands are covered as well.
Islam requires women to cover in public. In Iran the cover is often referred to as a chador. In South Asia, it is known as a burqa. 
Here I am going to share some latest trend of abaya with modern style. As Abayas and Hijabs are now wearing as compulsory dress for out side visit. Even Some European girls feel proud to wear it and mostly young girls wear it as college wear.

This Abaya in black color have cyan border on arms looking stylish with gorgeous hijab and leggy. This abaya is short to knees and have baggy style.

This abaya in long shirt have yellow ribbon like a belt and have yellow lace border. This long-sleeve jilbab have short round neck and looking gorgeous with bridal hijab. These types of Fancy Abaya designs are wearing in western countries as a Islamic cultural dress.

This Abaya style is like Irani Abaya style with have beautiful floral ribbon belt and have beautiful red lace border. This abaya have baggy sleeves and like a kaftan.

Beautiful western style of abaya have blue belt style and looking gorgeous with contrast lace border. The abaya has magnificent embroidery sleeves.



  1. New fashion for abaya matches with hijab such as black is beautiful for woman who loves fashion and style.

  2. You can find this collection In Miss Elegant fashion Design, Jumeirah3, Al-wasl Road, Dubai, UAE . Contacts : T:04 3953099 M: 0503999814/0553999811

  3. nice as dresses
    Abayas!!!!I don't think so

  4. abayas should not be transparent

  5. an abaya is not only black material and a scarf a way of life, a style...all according to respect the principles of covering the body that teaches us the Islam. Ramadan kareem!

  6. these abayas dont work for me do u agree?

  7. I agree! abayas should be modest and not so flashy and definitely not see through! as to attract unecessary attention-islam requires us women not to do such...these are long & short dresses!and with leggings?! theres a diff between abaya & dresses!

  8. Can these be purchased online? Also, I am looking for stylish abayas with black crystals and/or beading. I can always find the colored beads but never the black on black. Please help!!

  9. this is all wrong a burka should be to cover your body and so people wouldnt notice but this is all eye catching and getting the wrong attention you people must be seriously lost or you dont know what the real dress code for a muslim women should be

  10. I do agree with you, this is sham... not style…. These people should not be there in fashion industry at all

  11. fashion industriez drag muslim sisters away frm da honest repected dress code 4 us muslim sisters....we shoudent pay notice to them..

  12. My dear sisters these are not provocative designs and there is nothing eye catching, be more open minded, be as a real woman should be, enjoy the life, don't judge others and respect them as they respect you, these design are beautiful, lot's of work on them applied, well done designers! Something new, elegant and at the same time stylish for a Muslim women...

  13. can i noe wher i wud get good abaya's in mumbai....

  14. I agree with the person who commented on Dec 20th. These are wonderful looking designs! And as for the see-through design, this one can be layered with something worn underneath. Personally I do not wear abaya, but if these kinds of styles are more readily available, I would not mind changing my dress to this!

  15. idea of these cloths are conflicting with the meaning of abaya.. i guess the designer have no clue abt what the hell he/she have designed.

  16. from where we can buy hijab and abaya in lahore

  17. wow alll of them r amazing i really really like them

  18. hi every one
    i am a fashion designer based based in new delhi having my own manufacturing unit

    if any one requires abayas can contact me on


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